The Political Parties of Columbia, Maryland: A Comprehensive Overview

Political factions and parties have been a part of the American political landscape since the ratification of the Federal Constitution of 1787. As more white men gained the right to vote and political parties became more organized, the character of American democracy changed. It became more partisan and strident, a turn that fueled ambivalence and even discontent with politics and the dominant parties. Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich, American political theorists Lee Drutman, and political theorist Carl Davidson have all suggested that the United States is divided primarily into six political parties. Andrew Ellicott (1754-1820), a federal surveyor for the District of Columbia, prepared a plan in 1792 for what would become the District of Columbia. In this area, two major political parties have emerged: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

In this article, we will explore the major differences between these two parties in Columbia, Maryland.

History of Political Parties in Columbia, Maryland

The first president of the United States, George Washington, was not a member of any political party at the time of his election or throughout his term as president. However, factions or political parties began to form during the struggle for the ratification of the Federal Constitution of 1787. Between the 1820s and 1850s, as more white men gained the right to vote and political parties became more organized, the character of American democracy changed. The cartoon of the Agricultural Workers Party was probably published during the political campaign of 1830 in New York (the men who appeared on the flag ran for election that year as candidates by the Agrarian Party, a group split from the city's Workers' Party). Political signs don't require a permit, but they can't be placed in the median or within the SHA right-of-way, just as other signs are prohibited. Johnston was one of many Federalists who supported the amendments in favor of personal liberties solely as a political tactic to prevent more substantial changes in federal powers. Cobbett, who always served as a lightning rod for political passion, returned to England in 1800 after being successfully sued for slander and journalistic defamation in the United States.

Differences Between Democratic and Republican Parties

Although American politics has been dominated by the two-party system, third political parties have appeared from time to time in American history, but they have rarely lasted more than a decade.

Republican political leaders harshly criticized Judge Chase, and he was eventually removed from office (though not convicted) in 1804, after the Republicans gained control of the government. American political parties are less organized than those in other countries, and the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have no formal organization at the national level that controls the number of members. As in The County Election, the political sphere is exclusively male, since The Oyster House is a male-only pub. The Workers' Party, for example, was organized in major cities in the Northeast and in dozens of small industrial towns in New England. The Democratic Party is generally considered to be more liberal than its counterpart.

It supports progressive policies such as increased government spending on social programs like healthcare and education. It also supports stronger environmental regulations and higher taxes on wealthy individuals. The Democratic Party also tends to be more socially progressive than its counterpart; it supports same-sex marriage and abortion rights. The Republican Party is generally considered to be more conservative than its counterpart.

It supports policies such as lower taxes on wealthy individuals and businesses. It also supports less government regulation on businesses and fewer restrictions on gun ownership. The Republican Party also tends to be more socially conservative than its counterpart; it opposes same-sex marriage and abortion rights.


Drutman argues that a government without two parties would allow and support changing alliances and negotiation, which are essential in democracy, and which have largely been lost in a bipartisan system due to political stalemate. The rapid evolution of political parties from factions was an ingenious American response to political conflict.

In Columbia, Maryland two major political parties have emerged: The Democratic Party and The Republican Party. These two parties differ significantly on issues such as taxation policy, environmental regulations, social issues such as same-sex marriage and abortion rights, gun control laws, government spending on social programs like healthcare and education. It is important for citizens to understand these differences so they can make informed decisions when voting for their representatives.

Douglas Bigby
Douglas Bigby

Tv buff. Certified internet aficionado. Freelance travel evangelist. Incurable internet junkie. Total bacon evangelist.